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You're viewing SWIV 3D Assault Cheat Codes

Game Name : SWIV 3D Assault
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:53:30
Views : 23117

Cheat :
Tip: Keep moving! To stop is to die.

Tip: In flying vehicles, make strafing passes over the targets and duck behind the terrain to avoid missiles. When ground-based or in a hovercraft, adopt a more traditional hit-and-run strategy: advance, fire, reverse, hide. Repeat as necessary.

Tip: To complete a level, bypass the peripheral targets and go straight for the primary/secondary structures, which are targeted with blue crosshairs. These are what you need to concentrate firepower on to win.

Tip: To cheat, type "THEMANWITHTHEGOLDENSWIV" during gameplay.

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